Visual effects on images
* https://github.com/jmhobbs/libcvfx
* https://github.com/PacktPublishing/OpenCV-3-x-with-Python-By-Example
* https://docs.gimp.org/en/plug-in-convmatrix.html
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22654770/creating-vignette-filter-in-opencv
* https://www.dyclassroom.com/image-processing-project/how-to-convert-a-color-image-into-sepia-images
* https://www.linuxtopia.org/online_books/graphics_tools/gimp_advanced_guide/gimp_guide_node74.html
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2034037/image-embossing-in-python-with-pil-adding-depth-azimuth-etc
import numpy as np
import cv2
from cr import vision
# pylint: disable=C0103
[docs]def mirror_lr(image):
"""Mirrors an image between left and right
:param image: An input image to convert
:type image: array_like
:return: Mirrored image. Same dimensions as input.
:rtype: ndarray
return np.fliplr(image)
[docs]def mirror_ud(image):
"""Mirrors an image between up and down
:param image: An input image to convert
:type image: array_like
:return: Mirrored image. Same dimensions as input.
:rtype: ndarray
return np.flipud(image)
[docs]def mirror_x(image):
"""Mirrors the image diagonally.
* Top left corner goes to bottom rigth and vice versa.
* Top right corner goes to bottom left and vice versa.
:param image: An input image to convert
:type image: array_like
:return: Mirrored image. Same dimensions as input.
:rtype: ndarray
image = np.fliplr(image)
image = np.flipud(image)
return image
[docs]def select_red(image, others=0):
"""Selects only the red channel of the image
:param image: An input image in RGB format
:type image: array_like
:param others: Pixel value for other channels
, defaults to 0
:type others: int, optional
:return: Converted image which looks reddish
:rtype: ndarray, RGB
image = image.copy()
image[:, :, 0] = others
image[:, :, 1] = others
return image
[docs]def select_green(image, others=0):
"""Selects only the green channel of the image
:param image: An input image in RGB format
:type image: array_like
:param others: Pixel value for other channels
, defaults to 0
:type others: int, optional
:return: Converted image which looks greenish
:rtype: ndarray, RGB
image = image.copy()
image[:, :, 0] = others
image[:, :, 2] = others
return image
[docs]def select_blue(image, others=0):
"""Selects only the blue channel of the image
:param image: An input image in RGB format
:type image: array_like
:param others: Pixel value for other channels
, defaults to 0
:type others: int, optional
:return: Converted image which looks bluish
:rtype: ndarray, RGB
image = image.copy()
image[:, :, 1] = others
image[:, :, 2] = others
return image
[docs]def monochrome(image, format="bgr"):
"""Converts image to gray scale
* If a monochrome image is provided as input, it will be
returned as it is.
* If a 2D array is provided as input, it will be returned
as it is.
:param image: An input image
:type image: array_like
:param format: Format of input image,
defaults to 'bgr'.
Supported formats: 'rgb', 'bgr'
:type format: str, optional
:return: Converted monochrome image
:rtype: ndarray, 2D
if format == 'rgb':
return vision.rgb_to_gray(image)
if format == 'bgr':
return vision.bgr_to_gray(image)
return image
"default": {
"kernel": np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]]),
"gray": True,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 128,
"alpha": 1,
"sharp_color": {
"kernel": np.array([[-2, -1, 0], [-1, 1, 1], [0, 1, 2]]),
"gray": False,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 0,
"alpha": 0.2,
"SW": {
"kernel": np.array([[0, -1, -1], [1, 0, -1], [1, 1, 0]]),
"gray": True,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 128,
"alpha": 1,
"NE": {
"kernel": np.array([[-1, -1, 0], [-1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]),
"gray": True,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 128,
"alpha": 1,
"NW": {
"kernel": np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1]]),
"gray": True,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 128,
"alpha": 1,
[docs]def emboss(image, method="default", format="bgr"):
"""Creates an embossed version of an image using a given method
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param method: Embossing method.
Available methods: 'default', 'sharp_color', 'SW', 'NE', 'NW';
defaults to 'default'
:type method: str, optional
:param format: Format of input image,
defaults to 'bgr'. Applicable only when embossing
method works on monochrome images and we need to convert
the image to monochrome first
Supported formats: 'rgb', 'bgr'
:type format: str, optional
:return: Embossed image
:rtype: ndarray
method = EMBOSS_FILTERS[method]
if method["gray"]:
image = monochrome(image, format)
# capture the original data type of image
image_type = image.dtype
# perform filtering
embossing = cv2.filter2D(image, cv2.CV_64F, method["kernel"])
embossing = embossing * method["scale"]
alpha = method["alpha"]
offset = method["offset"]
if alpha == 1:
# compute absolute values
# embossing = np.absolute(embossing)
# add offset
embossing = embossing + offset
return embossing.astype(image_type)
result = cv2.addWeighted(
image.astype(embossing.dtype), 1 - alpha, embossing, alpha, offset
return result.astype(image_type)
[docs]def motion_blur(image, kernel_size=3, horz=True):
"""Introduces a motion blur effect
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param kernel_size: Size of motion blur filter kernel, defaults to 3
:type kernel_size: int, optional
:param horz: Indicates if motion blur is to be applied in horizontal direction,
defaults to True
:type horz: bool, optional
:return: Motion blurred image
:rtype: ndarray
kernel = np.zeros((kernel_size, kernel_size))
# make middle row all ones
mid_row = int((kernel_size - 1) / 2)
kernel[mid_row, :] = np.ones(kernel_size) / kernel_size
if not horz:
# for vertical blurring, we need to get the transpose
kernel = kernel.T
blurred_image = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, kernel)
return blurred_image
[docs]def sharpen(image):
"""Sharpens an image using edge enhancement
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:return: Sharpened image
:rtype: ndarray
kernel = (
[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
[-1, 2, 2, 2, -1],
[-1, 2, 8, 2, -1],
[-1, 2, 2, 2, -1],
[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1],
/ 8.0
sharpened_image = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, kernel)
return sharpened_image
[docs]def vignette(image, vignette_size=150):
"""Applies vignette effect on an image
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param vignette_size: Size of Gaussian kernel for vignette effect, defaults to 150
:type vignette_size: int, optional
:return: Vignetted image
:rtype: ndarray
# height and width of the image
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# We will construct the vignette mask using Gaussian kernels
# Construct a Gaussian kernel for x-direction
kernel_x = cv2.getGaussianKernel(width, vignette_size)
# Construct a Gaussian kernel for y-direction
kernel_y = cv2.getGaussianKernel(height, vignette_size)
# Multiply them together to form a combined Gaussian kernel
kernel = kernel_y * kernel_x.T
# prepare the mask
mask = kernel / kernel.max()
if image.ndim == 2:
# it's a black and white images
output = image * mask
channels = image.shape[2]
if channels == 1:
# it's a black and white image
output = image * mask
# it's a BGR image
b, g, r = cv2.split(image)
b = b * mask
g = g * mask
r = r * mask
output = cv2.merge([b, g, r])
return output.astype("uint8")
[docs]def enhance_contrast(image):
"""Enhances contrast of an image
:param image: Input image in BGR or monochrome format
:type image: array_like
:return: Image with enhanced contrast
:rtype: ndarray
if vision.is_gray_scale(image):
# the image itself is gray scale
y = image
elif vision.is_3channel(image):
# Convert from BGR to YUV format
image_yuv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)
# Extract Y channel
y = image_yuv[:, :, 0]
raise vision.CRVError("Invalid image format")
# perform histogram equalization on the grayscale y channel
y = cv2.equalizeHist(y)
if vision.is_gray_scale(image):
# The result is y itself
result = y
# Put back equalized Y channel in image yuv
image_yuv[:, :, 0] = y
# convert back to BGR format
result = cv2.cvtColor(image_yuv, cv2.COLOR_YUV2BGR)
return result
[docs]def cartoonize(image, kernel_size=5):
"""Constructs a black and white cartoon version of image
:param image: Input image in BGR or monochrome format
:type image: array_like
:param kernel_size: Size of Laplacian filter kernel, defaults to 3
:type kernel_size: int, optional
:return: Cartoonized image
:rtype: ndarray
# Convert to gray scale
if vision.is_3channel(image):
image = vision.bgr_to_gray(image)
# Apply median filtering
image = cv2.medianBlur(image, 7)
# Detect edges in the image
edges = cv2.Laplacian(image, cv2.CV_8U, ksize=kernel_size)
# Edges are where the Laplacian is small
# We prepare an edge mask for small values
mask = vision.threshold_below(edges, 100)
# We need to do some erosion to merge black edge points
# prepare the structuring element
se = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8)
# perform erosion
mask = cv2.erode(mask, se, iterations=1)
# get rid of isolated edge points again
mask = cv2.medianBlur(mask, ksize=5)
# This is our cartoonized image
return mask
[docs]def pixelize(image, pixel_size=8):
"""Pixelizes an image to given pixel size
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param pixel_size: Pixelization factor, defaults to 8 (one pixel for 8x8 block)
:type pixel_size: int, optional
:return: Pixelized image
:rtype: ndarray
factor = 1.0 / pixel_size
image = cv2.resize(
image, (0, 0), fx=factor, fy=factor, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST
image = cv2.resize(
image, (0, 0), fx=pixel_size, fy=pixel_size, interpolation=cv2.INTER_NEAREST
return image
[docs]def sepia(image):
"""Adds sepia effect to a color image
:param image: Input image in BGR format
:type image: array_like
Image with sepia effect
B, G, R = cv2.split(image)
tr = 0.393 * R + 0.769 * G + 0.189 * B
tg = 0.349 * R + 0.686 * G + 0.168 * B
tb = 0.272 * R + 0.534 * G + 0.131 * B
# saturate
tr[tr > 255] = 255
tg[tg > 255] = 255
tb[tb > 255] = 255
# convert back to 8-bit
tr = tr.astype("uint8")
tg = tg.astype("uint8")
tb = tb.astype("uint8")
# Combine the 3 channel
result = cv2.merge([tb, tg, tr])
return result
"contour": {
"kernel": np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]]),
"gray": True,
"scale": 1,
"offset": 255,
def _apply_filter(image, filter_name):
filter = _SPECIAL_FILTERS[filter_name]
if filter["gray"]:
image = vision.bgr_to_gray(image)
kernel = filter["kernel"]
scale = filter["scale"]
offset = filter["offset"]
kernel = kernel / scale
result = cv2.filter2D(image, -1, kernel, delta=offset)
return result
[docs]def contour(image):
"""Creates a contour on the image"""
return _apply_filter(image, "contour")
[docs]def emboss3d(image, azimuth=np.pi / 2, elevation=np.pi / 4, depth=10):
image = vision.bgr_to_gray(image)
image = image.astype("float")
gradients = np.gradient(image)
grad_x, grad_y = gradients
# projection of unit vector to light source on to ground
ground_length = np.cos(elevation)
# the components in x and y directions
ground_x = ground_length * np.cos(azimuth)
ground_y = ground_length * np.sin(azimuth)
# projection of unit vector to light source in z direction
up_z = np.sin(elevation)
# adjusting the gradients by depth factor
grad_x = grad_x * depth / 100
grad_y = grad_y * depth / 100
# gradient magnitudes [add a little extra to ensure magnitude is non-zero]
mag = np.sqrt(grad_x ** 2 + grad_y ** 2 + 1)
unit_x = grad_x / mag
unit_y = grad_y / mag
unit_z = 1.0 / mag
# compute the projection of gradient to the direction of light source
projection = ground_x * unit_x + ground_y * unit_y + up_z * unit_z
# map to 0-255 range
projection = 255 * projection
projection = projection.clip(0, 255)
projection = projection.astype("uint8")
return projection