Simple miscellaneous operations
import numpy as np
import cv2
[docs]def blank_image(width, height, channels=3, dtype='uint8'):
'''Constructs a blank image'''
return np.zeros((width, height, channels), dtype=dtype)
[docs]def single_color_image(width, height, color):
'''Constructs a color image of a given color'''
color = np.array(color, dtype='uint8')
image = np.tile(color, width*height)
return image.reshape(height, width, color.size)
[docs]def keep_masked_values(image, mask):
Keeps values in image for which mask is non-zero
return cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=mask)
[docs]def discard_masked_values(image, mask):
Discards values in image for which mask is non-zero
return cv2.bitwise_and(image, image, mask=cv2.bitwise_not(mask))
[docs]def to_abs_u8(image):
'''Computes absoulte values and maps to gray scale 8 bit'''
# Compute absolute values
image = np.abs(image)
# get max value
max_value = image.max()
if max_value < 128 or max_value > 255:
# Map them between 0 to 255
image *= (255.0/image.max())
# map them to 8 bit unsigned
return image.astype('uint8')