Source code for

Functions for interoperability between matplot lib and opencv
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cv2

[docs]def imshow(image): ''' Shows an opencv image using matplot lib ''' plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.axis("off") plt.imshow(_check_colorspace(image), cmap='gray')
[docs]def imshow_multiple_in_row(*args): ''' Shows multiple images side by side ''' num_images = len(args) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8)) for i in range(num_images): image = args[i] axis = figure.add_subplot(1, num_images, i+1) plt.axis("off") axis.imshow(_check_colorspace(image), cmap='gray')
[docs]def imshow_multiple_in_grid(num_rows, *args): ''' Shows multiple images in a grid ''' assert isinstance(num_rows, int), 'num_rows should be an int' num_images = len(args) num_cols = (num_images + num_rows - 1) // num_rows figure = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 8*num_rows)) for i in range(num_images): image = args[i] axis = figure.add_subplot(num_rows, num_cols, i+1) plt.axis("off") axis.imshow(_check_colorspace(image), cmap='gray')
def _check_colorspace(image): ''' Returns same image for single channel images Converts from BGR to RGB color space for 3-channel images ''' dtype = image.dtype if not in ['uint8', cv2.CV_16U, cv2.CV_32F]: # Only these three dtypes are supported for color space conversion # We return image as it is return image if image.ndim == 3: _, _, channels = image.shape if channels == 3: # We assume that the image is in BGR color space return cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # We assume it is a gray-scale image return image