Functions for template matching
import numpy as np
import cv2
from cr import vision as iv
[docs]def match_template_multscale(image, template):
'''Matches a template inside an image at multiple scales
image (2d-array): Image inside which the template is to be matched
Image must be 8 bit gray-level or 32-bit floating point.
template (2d-array): The template image which is to be searched inside image.
Cross correlation coefficient, location and scale of matching rectangle
# make sure that image is in gray scale
image = iv.bgr_to_gray(image)
# make sure that template image is also in gray scale
template = iv.bgr_to_gray(template)
# The scales at which we will process the image
scales = np.linspace(0.2, 1.0, 20)[::-1]
# Detect edges inside the template image using Canny edge detector
template_edges = cv2.Canny(template, 50, 200)
# height and width of original image
height, width = image.shape[:2]
# height and width of template
(template_height, template_width) = template.shape[:2]
# the location, cross correlation value and scale of best match
best_match_info = None
# iterate over scales
for scale in scales:
# compute target width for this scale
target_width = int(width * scale)
# resize to this target width preserving the aspect ratio
resized_image = iv.resize_by_width(
image, target_width=target_width)
# Measure the actual ratio
ratio = float(width) / target_width
# Height and width of resized image
resized_height, resized_width = resized_image.shape[:2]
# Verify that the image is larger than the template
if resized_height < template_height or resized_width < template_width:
# The template is bigger than image. It cannot be matched with image
# Compute the edges in the resized image
resized_image_edges = cv2.Canny(resized_image, 50, 200)
# match the edge map of template with the edge map of resized image
result = cv2.matchTemplate(
resized_image_edges, template_edges, cv2.TM_CCOEFF)
# Find the best match
(_, max_value, _, max_location) = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
if best_match_info is None:
# first best match
best_match_info = (max_value, max_location, ratio)
elif max_value > best_match_info[0]:
# match is better at this scale
best_match_info = (max_value, max_location, ratio)
# unpack the details of best match over all scales
(max_value, max_location, ratio) = best_match_info
(start_x, start_y) = (
int(max_location[0] * ratio), int(max_location[1] * ratio))
(end_x, end_y) = (int((max_location[0] + template_width)
* ratio), int((max_location[1] + template_height) * ratio))
# The best match rectangle
rectangle = ((start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y))
# Return the cross correlation coefficient, location and scale of matching rectangle
return (max_value, rectangle, 1/ratio)