Wrappers for thresholding functions
import cv2
from .types import peak_value
[docs]def threshold_above(image, threshold, mask_value=None):
''' Sets all values above the threshold to the mask value and 0 to remaining values
if mask_value is None:
# Determine the max value on the basis of data type of image
mask_value = peak_value(image)
_, result = cv2.threshold(image, threshold, mask_value, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)
return result
[docs]def threshold_below(image, threshold, mask_value=None):
''' Sets all values below the threshold to the mask value and 0 to remaining values
if mask_value is None:
# Determine the max value on the basis of data type of image
mask_value = peak_value(image)
_, result = cv2.threshold(
image, threshold, mask_value, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
return result
[docs]def threshold_truncate(image, threshold):
''' Truncates all pixels in the image above threshold to the threshold value
max_value = peak_value(image)
_, result = cv2.threshold(image, threshold, max_value, cv2.THRESH_TRUNC)
return result
[docs]def threshold_otsu(image):
'''Computes Otsu binarization of an image'''
_, result = cv2.threshold(image, 0, 255,
return result
[docs]def adaptive_threshold_mean(image, mask_value=None, block_size=8, constant=0):
Performs adaptive thresholding based on mean method.
if mask_value is None:
# Determine the max value on the basis of data type of image
mask_value = peak_value(image)
return cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image, mask_value, method, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, block_size, constant)
[docs]def adaptive_threshold_gaussian(image, mask_value=None, block_size=8, constant=0):
Performs adaptive thresholding based on Gaussian method.
if mask_value is None:
# Determine the max value on the basis of data type of image
mask_value = peak_value(image)
return cv2.adaptiveThreshold(image, mask_value, method, cv2.THRESH_BINARY, block_size, constant)