Source code for

Functions for placing one image inside another
import cv2

[docs]def place_image_at(target_image, src_image, roi_mask, x_pos, y_pos): ''' Patches `src_image` into the `target_image` at the location specified by `x_pos` and `y_pos` on the pixels identified by the `roi_mask` .. note:: This function overwrites the roi in target image. ''' rows, cols = roi_mask.shape # identify background pixels in source image background_mask = cv2.bitwise_not(roi_mask) # The region of interest in the target image roi = target_image[y_pos:(rows+y_pos), x_pos:(x_pos+cols)] # Let's black out the area in the ROI by using the background mask roi_background = cv2.bitwise_and(roi, roi, mask=background_mask) # Let's prepare the ROI foreground by copying foreground pixels from logo roi_foreground = cv2.bitwise_and(src_image, src_image, mask=roi_mask) # Let's merge the foreground and background of ROI roi_merged = cv2.add(roi_background, roi_foreground) # Let's put the ROI with merged logo backinto the image target_image[y_pos:(rows+y_pos), x_pos:(x_pos+cols)] = roi_merged return target_image