Source code for

Methods for non-maximum suppression of rectangles
import numpy as np

[docs]def bb_areas(bounding_boxes): '''Returns the areas of bounding boxes Args: bounding_boxes (array): An Nx4 array containing a list of bounding boxes. Each box is described by its top left and bottom right coordinates. Returns: An array of floats containing areas of bounding boxes. ''' # The top left coordinates x_0 = bounding_boxes[:, 0] y_0 = bounding_boxes[:, 1] # bottom right coordinates x_1 = bounding_boxes[:, 2] y_1 = bounding_boxes[:, 3] # areas of each of the bounding boxes areas = (x_1 - x_0 + 1) * (y_1 - y_0 + 1) return areas.astype('double')
[docs]def non_maximum_suppression(bounding_boxes, scores=None, overlap_threshold=0.3): '''Suppresses smaller boxes in the surroundings. Args: bounding_boxes (array): An Nx4 array containing a list of bounding boxes. Each box is described by its top left and bottom right coordinates. Kwargs: scores (array): Confidence scores of each bounding box. If scores are not provided, then bounding boxes are selected on the basis of their areas. If scores are provided then bounding boxes are selected on the basis of their scores. overlap_threshold (float): Overlap threshold for suppression. For a selected box b_i, all the boxes b_j that are covered by more than the overlap threshold are suppressed. Returns: Selected bounding boxes which were not suppressed. .. todo:: * Need to consider only those rectangles which are nearby. ''' if bounding_boxes.size == 0: # There is nothing to do return [] # The top left coordinates x_0 = bounding_boxes[:, 0] y_0 = bounding_boxes[:, 1] # bottom right coordinates x_1 = bounding_boxes[:, 2] y_1 = bounding_boxes[:, 3] # areas of each of the bounding boxes areas = (x_1 - x_0 + 1) * (y_1 - y_0 + 1) if scores is not None: # sort the bounding boxes by confidence scores indices = np.argsort(scores) else: # sort the bounding boxes by areas indices = np.argsort(areas) # selected bounding boxes list selected = [] while indices.size > 0: # pick up the last bounding box last = len(indices) - 1 # index of the last bounding box i = indices[last] selected.append(i) # remaining indices remaining = indices[:last] # coordinates of overlap between last box and remaining boxes xx_0 = np.maximum(x_0[i], x_0[remaining]) yy_0 = np.maximum(y_0[i], y_0[remaining]) xx_1 = np.minimum(x_1[i], x_1[remaining]) yy_1 = np.minimum(y_1[i], y_1[remaining]) # compute the width and height of overlap overlap_widths = np.maximum(0, xx_1 - xx_0 + 1) overlap_heights = np.maximum(0, yy_1 - yy_0 + 1) # compute the area of overlap overlap_areas = overlap_widths * overlap_heights # if area is 0, that means there is no overlap # compute the overlap ratios for all remaining bounding boxes overlap_ratios = overlap_areas.astype('float') / areas[remaining] to_be_suppressed = np.where(overlap_ratios > overlap_threshold) # Remove the suppressed boxes from the list of indices indices = np.delete(remaining, to_be_suppressed) return bounding_boxes[selected]