Implementation of seam carving method
* `Seam Carving Python Module by Vivian Hylee <https://github.com/vivianhylee/seam-carving/blob/master/seam_carving.py>`_
* `Source Code for OpenCV 3.x with Python By Example, Chapter 6 <https://github.com/PacktPublishing/OpenCV-3-x-with-Python-By-Example/tree/master/Chapter06>`_
* `2017, Adrian Roserbrock, Seam carving with OpenCV, Python, and scikit-image <https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2017/01/23/seam-carving-with-opencv-python-and-scikit-image/>`_
* `scikit-image transform module <http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/api/skimage.transform.html#skimage.transform.seam_carve>`_
* `scikit-image Seam Carving <http://scikit-image.org/docs/dev/auto_examples/transform/plot_seam_carving.html>`_
import logging
import numpy as np
from skimage import transform, img_as_float
from cr import vision
[docs]def seam_carve(image, target_width, target_height, energy_map=vision.sobel_energy_l1):
'''Converts an image into target width and height by using seam carving
:param image: Input image to be reduced to target width and height
:type image: array_like
:param target_width: target width of image
:type target_width: int
:param target_height: target height of image
:type target_height: int
:param energy_map: A function used to construct the energy matrix for the image
:type energy_map: function
:return: Seam carved image in which vertical and horizontal seams
have been identified and removed to meet the target image size.
:rtype: ndarray
src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
t_height = int(float(src_height) * target_width / src_width)
if t_height > target_height:
logging.info('Reducing image size to %d x %d', target_width, t_height)
# Let's do a first level resizing
image = vision.resize_by_width(image, target_width)
src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
t_width = int(float(src_width) * target_height / src_height)
if t_width > target_width:
logging.info('Reducing image size to %d x %d', t_width, target_height)
image = vision.resize_by_height(image, target_height)
src_height, src_width = image.shape[:2]
if target_width < src_width:
# compute the energy matrix for the image
energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
# We need to remove some vertical seams
num_seams_to_remove = src_width - target_width
logging.info('Removing %d vertical seams', num_seams_to_remove)
image = transform.seam_carve(image, energy_matrix,
'vertical', num_seams_to_remove)
image = (image*255).astype('uint8')
if target_height < src_height:
# compute the energy matrix for the image
energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
# We need to remove some horizontal seams
num_seams_to_remove = src_height - target_height
logging.info('Removing %d horizontal seams', num_seams_to_remove)
image = transform.seam_carve(image, energy_matrix,
'horizontal', num_seams_to_remove)
image = (image*255).astype('uint8')
return image
[docs]def find_vertical_seam(vseam_matrix):
'''Finds the indices of the vertical seam with minimum energy
:param vseam_matrix: matrix of vertical seams
:type vseam_matrix: array-2d
:return: Indices of the vertical seam with minimum energy
:rtype: uint32 array
# the number of rows and columns in the cumulative energy matrix
rows, cols = vseam_matrix.shape
# The vector of indices of seam of minimum energy
output = np.zeros((rows,), dtype=np.uint32)
# Find the pixel with minimum energy in last row
output[-1] = np.argmin(vseam_matrix[-1])
# iterate over remaining rows
for row in range(rows-2, -1, -1):
# we will find the minimum energy of the neighboring three pixels
# in previous row
# we also need to take care of the boundary conditions
# get the value of pixel index for previous row
previous_index = output[row+1]
# check if we are at the left boundary
if previous_index == 0:
# we just need to consider columns 0 and 1
output[row] = np.argmin(vseam_matrix[row, :2])
# let's consider if the previous index is on the right boundary
last_index = min(previous_index+2, cols)
# pick the neighbors in the 2 or 3 positions
neighbors = vseam_matrix[row, (previous_index-1):last_index]
output[row] = np.argmin(neighbors) + previous_index - 1
return output
[docs]def delete_vertical_seam(image, seam):
'''Deletes a vertical seam from the image
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param seam: Indices of the vertical seam to be deleted
:type seam: uint32 array-1d
:return: Image with the vertical seam deleted
:rtype: ndarray
rows, cols = image.shape[:2]
if image.ndim == 2:
out_image = np.zeros((rows, cols-1), dtype=image.dtype)
out_image = np.zeros((rows, cols-1, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
for row in range(rows):
# identify the column of pixel to be deleted in this row
col = seam[row]
# copy the remaining pixels
out_image[row, :] = np.delete(image[row, :], (col), axis=0)
return out_image
[docs]def compute_vertical_seams(energy_matrix):
'''Computes the vertical seams by dynamic programming
.. todo::
* Optimize inner loop
n_rows, n_cols = energy_matrix.shape[:2]
vertical_seams = energy_matrix.copy()
for row in range(1, n_rows):
for col in range(n_cols):
if col == 0:
vertical_seams[row, col] += np.min(vertical_seams[row-1, 0:2])
elif col == n_cols - 1:
col] += np.min(vertical_seams[row-1, n_cols-2:n_cols])
col] += np.min(vertical_seams[row-1, col-1:col+2])
return vertical_seams
[docs]def compute_horizontal_seams(energy_matrix):
'''Computes the vertical seams by dynamic programming'''
# We reuse the existing implementation of computation of vertical seams
seams = compute_vertical_seams(energy_matrix.T)
# We transpose the result to make them horizontal seams
return seams.T
[docs]def find_horizontal_seam(hseam_matrix):
'''Finds the indices of the horizontal seam with minimum energy
# Reuse implementation
return find_vertical_seam(hseam_matrix.T)
[docs]def delete_horizontal_seam(image, seam):
'''Deletes a horizonal seam from the image
:param image: Input image
:type image: array_like
:param seam: Indices of the horizontal seam to be deleted
:type seam: uint32 array-1d
:return: Image with the horizontal seam deleted
:rtype: ndarray
n_rows, n_cols = image.shape[:2]
if image.ndim == 2:
out_image = np.zeros((n_rows-1, n_cols), dtype=image.dtype)
out_image = np.zeros(
(n_rows-1, n_cols, image.shape[2]), dtype=image.dtype)
for n_col in range(n_cols):
# identify the row number of pixel to be deleted in this column
n_row = seam[n_col]
# copy the remaining pixels
out_image[:, n_col] = np.delete(image[:, n_col], (n_row))
return out_image
[docs]def reduce_width_by_seam_carving(image, target_width, energy_map):
'''Reduces the width of an image via seam carving'''
src_width = image.shape[1]
delta = src_width - target_width
for _ in range(delta):
energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
vertical_seams = compute_vertical_seams(energy_matrix)
seam = find_vertical_seam(vertical_seams)
image = delete_vertical_seam(image, seam)
return image
[docs]def reduce_height_by_seam_carving(image, target_height, energy_map):
'''Reduce the height of an image via seam carving'''
src_height = image.shape[0]
delta = src_height - target_height
for _ in range(delta):
energy_matrix = energy_map(image)
horizontal_seams = compute_horizontal_seams(energy_matrix)
seam = find_horizontal_seam(horizontal_seams)
image = delete_horizontal_seam(image, seam)
return image